The extension of the risk assessment leads to challenges in retrofit projects. In order to meet the safety requirements of the Machinery Directive and the Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health, operators must expand their risk assessment to include technical aspects.
As a Siemens Solution Partner, we are in possession of a license for SIMATIC PCS neo and have been involved with the web-based innovations of the system from the very beginning. We have set ourselves the goal of being a pioneer in this field and actively shaping the future of PCS neo. Find out more about the innovations.
CO2 neutrality by 2030 - that was the overarching goal of the project. The innovative management system for coordinating the heat generation of the low-temperature network will play a key role in achieving this goal. Find out more about the implementation.
The balancing act of reconciling the conflicting requirements of the IT and OT worlds was essential for the new construction of a coating plant. When setting up the large networked control technology system, not only IT knowledge but also control technology system knowledge was required. We were able to provide support here.
With the help of the KRIS reporting tool, you can easily generate reports in almost any form. The reports can be customized and individually configured. KRIS thus provides the basis for professional and efficient reporting.
The economical use of energy is increasingly becoming a focus for companies. Efficient energy management not only makes an important contribution to climate protection, but also strengthens competitiveness. KRIS offers you everything you need to display energy flows in an up-to-date, clear and transparent manner.
Turning huge amounts of data into valuable information is the challenge of the digital age. With the Cockpit app, you can bring ERP and automation data together to display and analyze large volumes of data transparently.
KRIS offers you a recipe management system with which you can bring more standardization, efficiency and safety to your production. Recipe parameters can be stored centrally, independently of the automation system. Recipe values from optimally produced batches can also be read back.
Displaying collected data clearly in a system is important. The KRIS trend system module makes it easier for you to graphically display measured, calculated and binary values.