Migration to PCS 7 Version 9

Replacing an operating system often brings discomfort, as it requires adjustments to numerous programs. PCS 7 Version 9 is associated with a new generation of operating systems that make further development of the libraries necessary. KRIKO provides support during migration and develops individual solutions.

  • PCS 7 Migration


With SIPAPER MMA and DCS "Classic"

Next Generation... This headline does not elicit uniform reactions from readers of technical publications. While some believe that a product overhaul was long overdue, others are happy to finally have a mature system.

The replacement of an operating system even regularly triggers horror in most companies. After all, it means that many programs need to be updated because extensions are only developed under the current operating system. However, updating the operating system is also often unavoidable due to security gaps and the availability of compatible hardware. So far, so good. However, it is not the intention of this article to philosophize about technical progress.

KRIKO is known for creating intelligent solutions. PCS7 version 9 is associated with a new generation of operating systems that make it necessary to further develop the libraries. 32-bit operating systems are a thing of the past and with them some tried and tested PCS7 libraries, such as the widely used SIPAPER libraries.

KRIKO offers you the opportunity to give the existing SIPAPER AS modules a new, state-of-the-art look. Using the proven APL library as a model, new faceplates have been created for the SIPAPER "Classic" library, enabling you to migrate your system to PCS7 Version 9 cost-effectively and with minimal risk.


  • Only minor adjustments to the software necessary
  • Minimization of commissioning effort due to unmodified AS programs
  • Open and not copy-protected
  • Can be combined with all SIPAPER libraries
  • Future-proof thanks to the use of standard tools

Are you also thinking about migrating your PCS 7 system? Please feel free to contact us. We look forward to your inquiry.

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